3 Tricks for Writing Website Copy That’s Fun as Funk to Read

When it comes to writing website copy that actually sells your shiz, you want it to do a few ridiculously important things: 

  1. Communicate what the heck you sell

  2. Prove that you and your biz are legit

  3. Show off why you’re the best option

  4. Help readers feel like they know you (and LOVE you)

But, you can do all of that, and still have website copy that’s a total snooze to read (which actually hurts conversions because bored people are more likely to “X” out). 

While there are a million ways to make your website copy fun as funk to read, one of my favorite tips is to sprinkle in a few elements that make your copy feel like a 2-sided conversation. 

(Rather than some long, dry lecture that has an audience nodding off.)

And here are 3 tricks for doing just that. 

1. Ask Questions

Have you ever gotten stuck in a conversation where the person just. keeps. talking? Or, a bad date, where the other person doesn’t ask you a single question about yourself the entire time?

That’s the exact opposite of how you want your reader to feel when they stumble across your website. 

And one easy way to avoid making your reader feel like you’re talking at them is to ask them questions!

You can sprinkle questions into your headlines…

Like Dory Dimes does on her website, where the question focuses on a big struggle her ideal client is experiencing…

Or you can use a question in a headline to inspire your reader to actually read the next sentence like in Behope Studio’s website copy…

(Because who doesn’t want to know what the knock-knock joke is gonna be!)

You can also ask questions in your body paragraphs…

Like this example from a cool-as-heck Pinterest manager’s website copy

The beauty of questions is that they keep the person on the other side engaged. And with website copy, that’s a huge win because it means people keep reading your copy which means they get to know more about you and what you sell. Plus, it makes the whole experience of reading your website that much more fun.

2. Use Comparisons

Comparisons are one of my absolute favorite tricks ever for making website copy fun as funk to read because sometimes what you’re selling or an idea you need to get across is a little complicated to explain, or a little boring.

(Comparisons are also something we often use in conversations when we’re trying to explain something to someone else and we want to be dramatic or we feel like the other person might not understand what we’re explaining.)

So, instead of relying on overused phrases that have lost their meaning or giving an overly technical explanation, you can infuse a whole bunch of personality into your copy and set things in perspective with a clever comparison. 

Like instead of saying, “having a strong social media presence is important,” you can use an on-brand comparison like the fabulous Megan Phillips does in her website copy…

(Way funnier, right?!)

Instead of saying something like “I’ll write copy that sells your shiz,” I used a comparison that helps my readers visualize how their copy will make them wildly successful by comparing their future biz to a “hot, new restaurant that’s always got a line out the door.”

Or if you want to explain something complicated like why your visual branding matters so much, you might use the comparison of a relatable situation so people can understand what you mean, like The Still Refinery does…

Bottom line? Comparisons are as delightful as a spicy margarita after a long day of work (see what I did there?!). But in all seriousness, comparisons are great for:

  • Giving an example of why/how something is really important 

  • Touching on something your ideal client is struggling with or really wants 

  • Replacing boring, overused phrases with fun, personality-filled ones 

3. Sprinkle in Interjections 

Interjections are my jam and they’re a staple in all conversations (at least, I think so). In fact, that little “at least, I think so” is an example of an interjection. 

And interjections are great for sharing more about you and your biz, making your copy way more casual, and/or giving a taste of your personality. 

For example, you might use an interjection to give more context like Hannah Reed does by explaining how many people 400 million people really is…

Or you might use an interjection to elaborate on an opinion, like I do on my About page when I’m talking about just how much I freaking love mayo.

Or you might use a little interjection just to break out of the monotony of a more formal sentence like how The Still Refinery does by saying “(like you!)”.

Basically, interjections are great for clarifying, providing a tad more personal commentary, or just breaking out of the professional and boring monotony of long sentences. 

So now, go take a peek at your website copy and see where you can:

  • Sprinkle in some funny/engaging questions 

  • Compare your offer/biz/a situation your ideal client is in to something your reader is familiar with 

  • Add a few interjections to add a lil personal commentary 

Also, hi, by the way, I’m Alethea—the founder of Copy with Spice

I’m a lover of extra, extra dirty martinis, a mega marketing nerd, and a freak for brands that are the opposite of boring. 

More specifically, I’m a copywriter who helps fun and funky brands figure out what their personalities are and how to use that in their messaging and marketing to create a feeding frenzy over everything they do, say, and sell. 

If you liked these spicy copy tips and are hungry for more, come say hi on IG, stalk my website, or sign up for my bi-weekly newsletter!


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